Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Buy term life insurance online ~~ Hear Melissa's story

Buy term life insurance online

Hear Melissa's story.....

Term life insurance provides a cost-effective solution to your temporary life insurance needs and gives you the flexibility to change your policy should your temporary needs turn into permanent goals.

Term life insurance is right for you if you want an affordable way to get maximum coverage. It is very effective in covering specific financial responsibilities like a mortgage or college expenses. Term life insurance can also be an excellent supplement to your permanent life insurance during periods when coverage needs are higher, such as family-growing, mortgage-paying years.
Term life insurance is exactly as the name implies – a life insurance policy that provides death protection for a stated time period, or term. Term life can be constructed for varying lengths ranging typically from 10 years to 30 years. One of the reasons term life is so popular is that it can be purchased in large amounts for a relatively small premium.
Term life is different from traditional whole life insurance in several ways. These features of term life make it attractive to those with shorter-range life insurance goals to consider. Here are a few characteristics of term life that you should know before buying:
• Guaranteed level term premiums that can remain the same over the duration of the term. This assists with budgeting.
• Convertibility. Policies can be convertible from term to permanent policy up to age 75 (or higher) in most states.
• Renewability. The policyholder can continue coverage (without proof of good health) past the original coverage period of the policy with a premium increase.
• Accelerated Death Benefits. you can purchase a rider that allows you to collect a portion of your benefits while still alive if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness.
• Disability Waiver of Premium. This rider waives premiums when you suffer a disability lasting six months or longer.
• Accidental Death Benefits. You can purchase a rider that doubles or triples your benefit in the case of death by accidental means–so your benefit can increase when you are younger and more likely to die in an accident than from illness.
Term life is a shorter-term solution that can be terminated when the need for it is over and can be increased when the need for it is greater.
Buy term life insurance online 
Typically, term life insurance is purchased when lifestyle changes prompt clients to consider purchasing term life insurance:
• Making Significant Purchases. Buying a new home, new vehicle, or other “major” purchases that would leave your heirs in a bind should you pass away. These purchases should prompt a review of your insurance situation.
• Extra Protection for child-rearing years. Adding coverage is appropriate for parents on a tight budget who require solid protection for their children.
• Covering College Tuition. With the cost of four years of college at 30,000 or more, term life can ensure that your children can attend and finish school.

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Buy term life insurance online

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parents Underestimated Value of Life Insurance

Parents Underestimated Value of Life Insurance

While it might seem reasonable to assume that becoming a parent would be enough to trigger a person’s interest in life insurance, a recent MetLife study finds that this is not always the case. In fact, the study finds that most individuals consider life insurance when they get married, but do not reconsider it, or purchase it in greater amounts, when they become parents. As a result, many parents either do not have life insurance, or they have it in inadequate amounts. This study is analyzed in a recent U.S. News & World Report.

Different families have different needs, different aspirations, and different financial situations, so there is no one-size-fits-all life insurance solution.  However, all parents are alike in their passion for protecting their families, especially the children, and for ensuring that they leave behind a rich legacy. For that reason, considering the benefits offered by life insurance is something all families should make time for.
The U.S. News & World Report story makes a similar argument. In fact, the article says that thinking about life insurance belongs on any new parent’s to-do list, alongside nursery preparation and “stocking up on diapers.”
The article also makes note of the many reasons why parents often neglect to properly consider life insurance. Sometimes it is due to perceived financial strain, and in other instances it stems from inconvenience, as a life insurance policy typically requires a brief physical check-up. Also common, the article says, is a simple desire to avoid thinking about something as harrowing as an untimely demise.
Despite these causes,  life insurance offers too many potential benefits to ignore it completely.  Life insurance offers protection and peace of mind, and preparation for events that are otherwise unthinkable. “Yourinsurance411  agrees that parents should make life insurance an item on their to-do list.”  CLICK HERE - TERM INSURANCE for more information

Parents Underestimated Value of Life Insurance

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Most Popular Reason to Purchase Life Insurance is….

The Results are In: The Most Popular Reason to Purchase Life Insurance is….

Marriage prompts more life insurance purchases than any other life event, according to a new poll from Northwestern Mutual. The survey of more than 2,000 American adults found that 32 percent of those who purchased life coverage on their own, as opposed to through an employer, did so as a result of getting married.

Other popular reasons for getting life insurance coverage were planning for retirement (25 percent) and becoming a parent (22 percent).

On the flip side, another recent poll looked at reasons people cite for not purchasing life insurance. The 2012 Insurance Barometer Study found that “other financial priorities” were named by 85 percent of people without life insurance as the main reason they lacked the coverage.

The study, sponsored by the non-profit Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE) and LIMRA, a life insurance marketing association, also found that the second-leading reason people gave for not buying coverage, picked by 83 percent, was that it’s “too expensive.”

LIMRA said that 95 million Americans, a third of all U.S. households, have no life insurance. The number of insured is also growing. Today 11 million fewer American households have life insurance compared to six years ago, according to LIMRA.

Why Purchase Life Insurance Now?
Results of both these recent survey suggest prospective life policyholders have some inconsistencies in their knowledge about life insurance.

For instance, getting married is probably a sound reason for purchasing life coverage, since new spouses now have someone else depending on them.

Marriage also may involve large joint purchases, such as buying a home. So one’s unexpected death could easily create a financial hardship that would be mitigated by life insurance.  The Most Popular Reason to Purchase Life Insurance is…

But Insurance Barometer survey respondents who said life insurance was too expensive probably weren’t well acquainted with the fact that, according to LIFE, life insurance premiums at the moment now are lower than they normally are.

Married or single, with kids or without, near retirement of just starting out, life insurance has rarely been a more affordable option, the group said.  The Most Popular Reason to Purchase Life Insurance is…

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?  CLICK HERE – Life Insurance ~ Because you care.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

These are the cold hard facts about life insurance

These are the cold hard facts

None of us are getting out of here alive.  Though we may think we will live forever – no one has accomplished it yet.  The when, why and how’s most of us just don’t think about.

If we knew when we were going to die it would make family planning very easy.  That way we could buy a bunch of life insurance the day before we die.

Now if that is the case, why wouldn’t you buy it now?  Easy answer – the money.  “I don’t know how long I will have to pay for this."  Now if we did know the date of your death and you bought it the day before, you are asking the life insurance company to pay your family a big chunk of money and you paid nothing for it.  How long would any insurance company remain in business?

We hear this all the time.  “The only two things that is for sure are death and taxes.”  We pay our taxes because it is the law and you don’t want to go to jail.  We are forced to pay our taxes.  This is a chunk of money going to support everyone else.  Now when it comes to our death we are willing to take the risk and have just enough or no life insurance at all.  Is that putting your family at risk?

Denial plays a very big part of our life insurance planning.  “Nothing is going to happen to me.”  “I can get to it tomorrow.” “I have some at work.”  We pay are taxes, maybe regrettably, but we pay them.  But little or no time and investment is made in your family to make sure they are provided for when you die.

“My wife will get social security.”  If this is your plan, do you know what that amount is?  By the way the average monthly amount is $1,500.  Is this enough to support your family in the fashion they are accustomed to?

These are the cold hard facts about life insurance

A $500,000 death benefit will provide for your family a tax free income of $50,000 a year for 10 years.  Is this good for you?  Is this good for your family?  Then what happens at the end of 10 years?

Over my 25 years of selling life insurance, some of my clients have died, they were not planning on it.

A lot to think about or you can just keep going down the river of denial.  It is up to you.

These are the cold hard facts about life insurance

I have over $1,000,000 of life insurance on myself to protect my family.

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?  CLICK HERE now.  Life insurance – Because you care.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance

Term vs. Permanent

This is on the differences between term and permanent life insurance.

Term Life Insurance

Let’s define term life insurance.   Term life Insurance covers the policy holder for a specific period of time. This period of time is what is referred to as the term. The policy holder’s beneficiary only receives a death benefit if the policy holder dies within the term.

Term life insurance is popular because it offers lower premiums. It is temporary, but it is often purchased by people who only need coverage for a specified time. For instance, it is often bought to cover the time until children reach adulthood, or the time it takes to pay off a mortgage.

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance

Permanent Life Insurance

Let’s define permanent life insurance. Permanent life insurance, for example whole life, offers lifelong protection. As long as the premiums are paid, the policy holder will not lose coverage. Permanent life insurance usually has higher premiums compared to term life insurance.

Permanent life insurance policies are also designed to accumulate a guaranteed cash value over time and often include investment options depending on the type of policy selected.

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance  Which Type of Life Insurance Is Better?

Actually, one type of life insurance is not considered “better” than another. Both permanent and term insurances have benefits and drawbacks. Which life insurance you choose, depends on your particular circumstances. When you buy life insurance, talk to an expert to help make your decision easier.

To get a Term Life Insurance Quote

What is the difference between term and whole life insurance