Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why is life insurance important

Why is life insurance important

Life insurance - Why should you buy it?

Why is life insurance important

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?
CLICK here - Life insurance 
Because you care.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How much does life insurance cost

How much does life insurance cost

                                          How to buy life insurance. and How much does life insurance cost

How much does life insurance cost

                       Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?  CLICK HERE 

                                       Life insurance - Because you care.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why do you need life insurance ~~ Ignorance is not an excuse

Why do you need life insurance

Life Insurance 101

Ignorance is not an excuse.  Educate yourself on the values of life insurance.  Do you know that the percentage of families that are under insured for life insurance is at an all time high.  Why do you need life insurance?  There are many reasons but none of them remove your obligations to provide for your family for when you are no longer here.

Watch the video below - educate yourself

Why do you need life insurance

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?
click here - Because you care

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do you need life insurance ~~ what does your wife think...

Do you need life insurance

"I have to talk to my wife"

This is another statement that I hear quite often when talking to the husband about life insurance.

Sales 101 tells you to have both spouses at the appointment.  I agree with that but sometimes that is not possible.  

So I stopped to think about that and have come to this conclusion - the guy just doesn't want to pay the money to protect his wife and family.  With that being said, it could be about the money.  Maybe things are tight but if that were true and if the guy truly loved his family and wanted to make sure they were protected he would ask to see a lower premium - to get something - verse just putting it off.   Do you need life insurance

They've looked me in the eye and said, "I'm going to talk to her today and I'll get back to you in a couple of days."  In over 25 years that has never happened. I have never gotten that phone call.

I mentioned this to call out the guys who have not provided for their family when they die. Do you need life insurance


I have over $1,000,000 dollars of life insurance - so I walk the talk.

Do you need life insurance

So ask yourself - Do I have a plan?  What is your plan?

To find out your options - click here - Because you care.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I have my life insurance at work

"I have my life insurance at work."

This is something I hear everyday.  Some are telling me the truth and others tell me that because they don't want to talk or pay for their own life insurance.

Let's focus on the folks that are telling me the truth.  Having life insurance through your employer is a good thing but just like social security it is only meant to supplement what you have purchased for yourself not be the be all end all.

I have my life insurance at work

The upside - the cost - free to very little premiums and it is buried in with your other salary deductions.

The downside - lack of portability - you leave or are fired, it doesn't go with you.  If you retire and try to convert it - it is either not an option or it is very expensive.

Then there is the possibility that you employer changes the company benefit package which can change everything.

I think you will agree that having your own life insurance program provides for you options that you control and peace of mind that it will be there when your family needs it.

If you are still content with I have my life insurance at work for your family - do me this one favor - find out exactly what you have - know what the death benefit is and make sure to tell your spouse.

If you see value in having you own life insurance program and want more information ----  click here

Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?  Life insurance because you care.

I have my life insurance at work