Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is your life insurance policy correct and updated?

Is your life insurance policy correct and updated? 

Is your life insurance policy updated?  Listen to this sad story about what has happened to this family after their daughter died.

Many of us purchase life insurance and forget about it.  Well if life brings changes, it might result in changes within your life insurance policies - even the life insurance you have at work.
Watch this video and listen to a recent  story about about the perils my client is going through because of paperwork not being completed.

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For more life insurance information go - Life insurance - Because you care

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9 Life Insurance Myths: Get the Facts and Protect What Matters Most

9 Life Insurance Myths: Get the Facts and Protect What Matters Most

We'll do anything to protect our loved ones, right? But, far too often, most people don't have life insurance, or if they do, they do not have enough. Their reason for not having life insurance  varies: confusion about the different types of insurance available, the amount necessary and the associated costs, leave many depending on friends, loved ones, and co-workers to decide what protection is needed. Unfortunately, most of the information we receive is not correct.
A young couple discussing life insurance with their Allstate Agent
Let us help you banish 9 myths about life insurance and give you facts that may change your perspective and give you information for protecting your loved ones.

Myth 1: I'm single, or married with no children, so I don't need life insurance.

Fact: Life insurance can help you cover your debts as well as help you provide for your loved ones in the event of death, even for those without children.

If you are in this group, you may carry debts that you prefer were taken care of rather than taken out of assets left to your loved ones. Still, others may use life insurance proceeds to help nieces, nephews, cousins or siblings achieve their financial goals. For a modest premium, life insurance can help to provide for those who are left behind. How much life insurance do you need? Use this calculator to find out.

We're here to help you figure things out. Contact me today

Myth 2: I can't afford life insurance.

Fact: Term life insurance, which is life insurance purchased for a period of time, is very affordable for many people. For example, if you are a healthy, non-smoking, 35-year-old female who has a good family health history, you may be able to purchase a policy for less than an evening at the movie theater per month. Get a term life insurance quote now. 
We're here to help you figure things out. Contact me today

Myth 3: I'm a stay-at-home parent. I draw no income. I don't need life insurance.

Fact: If you're a stay-at-home parent, you may not provide an actual paycheck for the household, but you do provide services that would cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace. These include: the cost of day care, a chauffeur or taxi service, a cook and a home cleaning service to name a few. If you have an individual life insurance policy, this may help to ease the burden for the loved ones if you should pass away.

Use this calculator to help you determine how much life insurance coverage you may need to cover the spouse that stays home. Get a term life insurance quote now

We're here to help you figure things out. Contact me today.

Myth 4: I have a life insurance policy through my job. If I take another job or get laid off, I can take the policy with me.

Fact: Typically, your group life insurance purchased through an employer isn't portable - meaning if you leave your job, you're probably also leaving your life insurance protection behind. However, if you own an individual life insurance policy purchased through an insurance agent or an Allstate personal financial representative, leaving your job will have no effect on your coverage. Get a term life insurance quote now. If you need help figuring things out we're here to help. Contact me today

Myth 5: My beneficiaries will have to pay income taxes on the proceeds from my life insurance policy.

Fact: Your life insurance death benefits are generally income tax-free; yet very few people know this. Speak with an Allstate personal financial representative to help you sort through the details. We're here to help you figure things out. 

Myth 6: If I travel out of the country and something happens to me, I am not covered.

Fact: In the unlikely event you pass away while in a foreign country, the policy would most likely pay out to the beneficiaries. However, many life insurance policies exclude certain countries, such as those currently on the U.S. Department of State's Current Travel Warnings List; so it's important to review your life insurance policy prior to leaving the country. We can help you sort through the details.

Myth 7: If I get a term life insurance policy, I can't convert it to permanent or whole life insurance policies.

Fact: It is possible to convert a term life insurance policy into a permanent policy, depending on the policy purchased. However, individuals seeking to do so should expect an increase in premium. In addition, the conversion may have certain limitations or require renewals. Many people like to purchase term insurance, which tends to be less expensive, while they're younger because it may make obtaining a preferred premium easier when they attempt to convert later.

We're here to help you figure things out. Contact me today.

Myth 8: I don't need life insurance once my children are adults.

Fact: Life insurance can help achieve a goal of leaving an inheritance to children, other loved ones, or help relieve the burden of paying for final costs such as a funeral or final medical bills.

We're here to help you figure things out.Contact me today

Myth 9: I have a comfortable savings, so I don't need life insurance.

Fact: It is easy to underestimate the amount of savings that is required in the event of death. Most Americans do not have enough in their personal savings to cover these expenses. If you don't have enough saved, it is possible your loved ones won't be able to pay off final expenses or be able to hold onto assets like a home. Use this calculator to determine how much life insurance you may need. Visit our life insurance page to sort out the basics.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Heavyweight bout of the century - Whole Life vs. Universal Life

Whole Life vs Universal Life

The match of the century between the heavyweight champions of Life Insurance
Whole Life and Universal Life both have had their fans and critics ever since universal lfe or UL's were spun off as a more flexible and interesting option to what some were calling "stodgy & boring" whole life in the late 70's and early 80's

Certainly that is a very simplistic description of the two products.  The arguments of the two seem to fall into these tracks.

UL offers more cash value with flexiblity in premiums and terms while offering more transparency.

WL guarantees to provide to the owner what he signed up for without unpleasant surprises down the rode.

One person's stodgy and boring is another's peace of mind.

As the face off begins, the two product lines have been doing well, in their own ways, since the 2008 financial crash.  WL has been on a steady ascent since the past recession started.  It has showed 15 consecutive quarters of premium growth as of the first quarter of this year, leading to a 33 percent market share, according to LIMRA ( 

UL has a bigger chunk of the market at 40 percent, even though it has had a more ragged history of premium and policy growth since 2008.  But the interest has come back to UL, primarily because of the indexed UL (IUL), which is a small but booming line of products.  UL showed a 8 percent premium growth in the first quarter.  Though this was fueled by a 23 percent increase in IUL premium.

All the products in the UL and WL spheres are excellent choices for clients individual needs and risk tolerances.  But there are clear distinctions and considerations that you need to be aware of as these two heavyweights are presented to you.

It is key that you have a professional who has sold both products and understands what is behind the curtain.  As good as these products are it is very important that they are set up correctly.

Whatever you do - do something.  Just imagine you not coming home tonight and what that would mean to your family.

For more go to :  - Because you care.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Key Person Insurance: How It Works

 Key Person Insurance: How It Works

Life Insurance - Because you care: Key Person Insurance: How It Works: Key Person Insurance: How It Works In the event of the death of a key colleague, key person insurance can help keep your bus...

For a FREE QUOTE Click Here

Key Person Insurance: How It Works

Key Person Insurance: How It Works

Key Person InsuranceIn the event of the death of a key colleague, key person insurance can help keep your business afloat. Here’s what to consider.
No one wants to consider the death of a colleague. But if such a tragedy could lead to your company’s demise, then key person insurance is a worthwhile precaution. It is life insurance on specific people in a business and is beneficial when a company’s survival relies heavily on the role of one or two people.

Some small business owners don’t understand that they need key person insurance, in addition to life and disability insurance, because it’s designed to protect the business.. If your company employs more than one person, review the basics below to determine whether it makes sense for you:

Who is insured?

Typically, key person insurance covers the owner, the founders or one or two key employees.

Watch this video

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 Key Person Insurance: How It Works

To find out more go to :  life insurance because you care

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why do you need life insurance - but how much do I need??

Why do you need life insurance

Importance of life insurance

Watch this short video,

One of the most common questions asked is how much life insurance should I purchase and why do you need life insurance. While there is no set answer, each individual and family needs to look at their exact needs and situation. Here are some broad factors to consider.

Look at your current and future needs. If you have a family or a spouse that is largely dependent on your wages to live, you might want to make sure that you have a life insurance that will cover your family and spouse for 20 years or more. Some people usually go with the philosophy that you are better off over insured, then not having enough insurance as a reason of Why do you need life insurance

Some life insurance agents state that at minimum, you should at least have a policy of 15K to cover burial and all final expenses. In addition, some financial planners advise you to purchase life insurance by multiplying your salary, for instance, purchasing 5 times or 10 times the amount of your salary.

Other life insurance agents, advise you to look at your family or spouses expenses for the amount of years that you want to cover them and figure out how much money they will need to live comfortably for the reason of Why do you need life insurance. Many life insurance agents have special formulas that can figure out how much insurance you need for your age and level of coverage you want to provide your spouse and children.

Many people want to make sure that their family is very comfortable in the event of a death. For instance, a policy might take into consideration the cost of a home, car loans, maintenance of assets and education costs for children. Usually the more dependents, the more insurance is necessary.

Some consumers that are buying life insurance don't necessarily purchase it to care for dependents, but to cover estate taxes or to give an inheritance to their heirs. Usually these types of policy holders are already well off or no longer have bread winning responsibilities that make it necessary to care for small children or a spouse.

Lastly, if you are single, do not have any dependents and have an adequate amount of savings to take care of any final expenses such as funeral costs and taxes, you might decide you do not need to purchase life insurance at all.

Why do you need life insurance

One thing is for certain, make sure you put lots of thought into the amount of life insurance you do purchase and talk to an accountant or insurance agent to learn more about how much life insurance, you personally should purchase.

For more click here  Life insurance - Because you Care

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What is a whole life insurance policy

What is a whole life insurance policy

 A "Guaranteed" Asset Class - Life Insurance

Watch the video below

Why people are looking at life insurance as not only a protection vehicle, but a way to get better returns on their dollar compared to CD's, and Money Market accounts.

Cash value from a whole life policy can be withdrawn at any time for any reason at any age without penalty.  Plus it is not earned, passive or portfolio income so it will not effect your social security benefits.

                                                          What is a whole life insurance policy

What goes around - comes around.  When interest rates were artificially high, whole life insurance was made out to be the bad guy.  Well the strong survive.  The conservative steady gains of whole life have out-paced many of those double digit funds from the past.

Is life insurance part of your plan?  Do you have a plan?

Click here - Life Insurance Because You Care 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is life insurance for ~~ can you have too much

What is life insurance for 

Most parents know that they need life insurance. But many would rather have a root canal than shop for the best life insurance policy.

"People don't think about, 'What will my family do if I don't come home tonight?' "  The whole point of this kind of planning is to provide the family with maximum financial options at a very difficult time.

Planning for your death is not a cheerful topic. Too often, parents make a quick decision, ignoring important considerations. Among their mistakes:

Not enough life insurance.
Families don't always insure a parent who is staying home to care for the children. "They don't think that the person who is not bringing in an income needs life insurance," says Greg Daugherty, executive editor of Consumers Union. But if that person dies, the other parent can't stop working and usually has to pay someone to help care for the family.this is What is life insurance for 

You may not need to buy the same amount of insurance for both parents. There was a case where the  recommendation was that they should buy $3 million for the husband who earns $100,000 a year and $1 million for the stay-at-home wife.

Relying on employer-provided life insurance.
Employer-provided coverage is rarely sufficient to support your family.  Many employer-provided policies provide a death benefit of $10,000 to $25,000 — barely enough to cover your funeral expenses.  Some employers provide a year's salary, but that may also fall well short of the amount your family would need to maintain its standard of living.
Some employers let workers buy group life insurance through payroll deductions. That may be a good deal for workers who have health problems that would disqualify them for an individual policy. But if you're young and healthy, you may be able to get a better rate.
Another drawback: If you leave your job, you may not be able to take your insurance. Even if you have a lot of insurance at work, it makes sense to have some more insurance on your own this is What is life insurance for 

Too much insurance.
Not everyone needs life insurance. Some people buy life insurance for babies, which is unnecessary, unless the baby is a child model who is supporting the family.  Single people and those who have no children to care for usually don't need life insurance.

If you are someone with substantial savings in stocks and bonds and other sources of income may not need very much life insurance.  There are a few people who don't need life insurance but have it and many more people who need it but are woefully uninsured.

Investing in a weak insurance company.
Most people tend to look at the cost first, says Martin Weiss, president of Weiss Ratings, an independent provider of ratings for financial institutions. But it's also important to check the safety of an insurance firm, even if it's one of the largest, Weiss says. It's best to rely on an independent rater. What is life insurance for 

Not being truthful on your application
Fibbing about your pack-a-day habit to get a lower premium probably won't work, says Amy Danise, managing editor of Smoking is "one of the easiest things to catch in the medical exam," she says. If you manage to get away with it and later die of a heart attack, your insurer could use your smoking history to deny your family's claim, she says.

It's hard to lie about many health problems, because insurers generally contact the primary physician and require blood and urine tests.

Don't fudge about your hobbies, either. If you die and your insurance company discovers that you were a long-term member of the sky-diving club, it may deny your family's claim on the basis of fraud, Danise says. Or it may reduce the amount of the death benefit, she says.

What is life insurance for 

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?  Click here - Life Insurance Because You Care

Content contributed by -  Christine Dugas and Sandra Block, USA TODAY

Sunday, May 19, 2013

6 steps that will help you decide how much life insurance you need

6 steps that will help you decide how much life insurance you need

Below you will see how to assess the amount of life insurance one needs, and what products should be covering those needs. This talk is intended only to give a general, high-level overview of a life insurance needs assessment. (And by all means, if you disagree with this self-taught theory, point out my mistakes!) 

6 steps that will help you decide how much life insurance you need 1. Identify all of the items that an individual needs life insurance to cover:
  • Burial/cremation expenses
  • Leaving a legacy to loved ones
  • Leaving a legacy to a charitable organization
  • Replacing the income of a spouse due to untimely death
  • Covering children’s education expenses
  • Paying-off credit card debt, student loans, mortgages and other debts
  • Ensuring the continuation of a business due to untimely death 
  • Other financial commitments — insert your obligations here: ______________
2. Identify the dollar amounts that should be allocated to each item above. 

3. Write down the amount of life insurance needed for each line item on your list, so that you can tally-up the total amount of life insurance that should be purchased:
  • You may allocate $15,000 plus a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for burial expenses (Tip: COLAs are important because today’s dollar will be worth far less than 100 pennies 10 years from now)
  • You might want to leave a total of $250,000 to your loved ones
  • Your desire may be to leave $50,000 to your favorite charity.
  • If you are like the typical American, you’ll want to put aside $43,000 annually, along with a COLA for the number of years from your current age until your planned retirement age, to replace your income (i.e. planned retirement age is 67 and current age is 37, so multiply $43,000 plus COLA times 30). This will help to ensure that your family can continue with their current standard of living, despite a possible untimely death.
  • Continue this exercise until you have calculated the amount of life insurance necessary for every item on the list
4. Review each commitment on the list and identify which of two camps the commitment belongs in: temporary or permanent. Temporary commitments will eventually go away (i.e. a mortgage loan is paid-off after 30 years) and permanent obligations will always exist (i.e. burial expenses).

5. Sum the total amount of life insurance needed for the temporary commitments — this is the amount of term life insurance that you should purchase.
  • Term life insurance can generally be purchased as a stand-alone policy in durations of one, 10, 20, and 30-year terms; make sure the duration of the term policy purchased matches the duration of the temporary commitments from above.
  • Term life insurance can also be purchased as an optional rider on a cash value life insurance policy
6. Sum the total amount of life insurance needed for the permanent commitments. This is the amount of permanent cash value life insurance that you should purchase.

6 steps that will help you decide how much life insurance you need

There are several types of permanent cash value life insurance, with the two primary types being whole life and universal life

  • In general, whole life is more costly, but has stronger guaranteed cash values; it is also very structured and relatively inflexible in terms of changing coverage amounts and premium payments.
  • In comparison, universal life (UL) is less costly and more flexible; there are several varieties of universal life, including fixed UL,indexed UL, and variable UL
Now do your homework.  None of us are getting out of here alive.  I can't guarantee much but I can guarantee is that those families with the right amount of life insurance will be far better off then those who do not plan.

6 steps that will help you decide how much life insurance you need

Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?  Life insurance ~~~ Because you care.  Click here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Do you want to leave her a single mother ~~ with no money to support the family....

Do you want to leave her a single mother, with no money to support the family?

Watch this video

What if you don't come home tonight?  What will she do?

Do you want to leave her a single mother

Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?

Life Insurance - Because you care.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why do I need life Insurance after 50?

Why do I need life Insurance after 50?

Why do I need life Insurance after 50?

Watch this video

Do you have a plan?  What is you plan?  Click here

Life insurance - Because you care.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What happens to the kids when you are gone.

What happens to the kids when you are gone

What happens to the kids.....

Click on the video below

                                             What happens to the kids when you are gone

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?

Life insurance - Because you care

Friday, April 5, 2013

Why is life insurance important

Why is life insurance important

The power of life insurance

Watch this video.

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?

Why is life insurance important

Life insurance - Because you care


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mortgage life and disability insurance

Mortgage life and disability insurance

Mortgage Insurance is not what you think

The majority of the families I meet with think they have their biggest liability (their home) covered with Mortgage insurance.  The problem I find is that typically the person selling the mortgage never took the necessary education, training and licensing to sell life insurance and are not qualified to explain a complicated and important product to people that depend on Mortgage life and disability insurance

Devil is in the Details

Often the lack of disclosure on how Mortgage life and disability insurance really works that leave the client believing that if they accept the insurance and pay the premiums the policy is guaranteed to payout if they suffer a critical illness, disability or if they die.  This is not true, just because you make your payments and you checked a couple of boxes on the form, does not approve you for coverage. When your family needs to make a claim the bank’s insurance company will begin the underwriting process. This means that they will now look at your medical history and then decide if you should be covered. So imagine if you passed away, or get diagnosed with cancer, your family is grieving and now they have to wait for the decision of whether or not the policy will payout. There are plenty of horror stories of claims being denied or families having a difficult time collecting.

Is there a better option?

If you meet with an insurance agent, they will be able to asses your insurance needs, explain all your insurance options, answer any questions and save you money. With actual life insurance you have lots of options that typically cost less than the Mortgage Insurance you get from a bank or lender and is Guaranteed to payout because you go through the approval process upfront.  If you die, your family gets the tax-free money and choose what to use it for.
You can visit this link to get a free insurance quote and then compare it to what your paying with your mortgage. 
The bottom line is you could be paying less and have a guaranteed tax-free benefit for your family when they need it the most. 

Mortgage life and disability insurance

Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?  Life insurance - Because you care.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Buying life insurance on your spouse......

Buying life insurance on your spouse........

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?  Click here

Life insurance ---Because you care.

Buying life insurance on your spouse

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Because he loved me

Because he loved me

He did the dishes
Rubbed my feet,
Surprised me with tulips,
Took me to musicals even though he didn’t like them,
Carried my bags while I did the shopping,
Held my hand.
He died four years ago.  Neither of us were planning for that.
Because he loved me, I can stay in our home,
I can be here for our children,
I can afford to pay for their college education,
I can worry about the other things in life besides money.
He still loves me. And he still shows it.
Because he loved me
Do you have a plan? What is your plan?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why life insurance is important ~~ None of use are getting out of here alive.

Why life insurance is important 

**Jan. 2013 – husband – age 44 dies – no life insurance and now surviving wife and daughter may lose home.
**Daughter dies at age 3
**Adult client when at age 11 her father died and he had no life insurance and they had to live on social security.
These are just a few real life stories of clients of mine from just last month and Why life insurance is important 
I have been selling life insurance for over 25 years and in that time I have had clients die - Yes, it is real. None of us are getting out of here alive and that's Why life insurance is important 
As Napoleon Hill has stated back in the “30′s, “If you have a spouse and or family it is your responsibility to make sure they are taken of if you were to die.” That's Why life insurance is important 
What is your plan? Do you have a plan? 
Life insurance – Because you care.

Why life insurance is important 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why is life insurance important

Why is life insurance important

Life insurance - Why should you buy it?

Why is life insurance important

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?
CLICK here - Life insurance 
Because you care.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How much does life insurance cost

How much does life insurance cost

                                          How to buy life insurance. and How much does life insurance cost

How much does life insurance cost

                       Do you have a plan?  What is your plan?  CLICK HERE 

                                       Life insurance - Because you care.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why do you need life insurance ~~ Ignorance is not an excuse

Why do you need life insurance

Life Insurance 101

Ignorance is not an excuse.  Educate yourself on the values of life insurance.  Do you know that the percentage of families that are under insured for life insurance is at an all time high.  Why do you need life insurance?  There are many reasons but none of them remove your obligations to provide for your family for when you are no longer here.

Watch the video below - educate yourself

Why do you need life insurance

What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?
click here - Because you care